Sunday, January 30, 2011

Civilization has come a long way...

The following excerpt is from The Cape of Good Hope Statutes 1652-1895. Its interesting how the statutes enforce the rules of the roads and elaborate on what is expected of road users.
We are so lucky to have two people from the Uganda National Library in our office this week for training. They will be trained on Digitisation, Metadata, Institutional Repositories and preservation

You are very welcome in our office Sarah and Ezra.

Look out for a photo of the two of them as soon as they are here on our facebook page

Digitisation Team

Monday, January 24, 2011

Livingstone I presume...?

Just thought these sketches were absolutely beautiful. (The Life & Explorations of Dr Livingstone: carefully compiled from reliable sources)

The book will be available in the future on the UP space Institutional Repository.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Interesting facts #1

Robert Loftus Owen Versfeld – 1862-1932: Presies 60 jaar gelede op die 5de Mei 1932, het Robert Loftus Owen Versfeld, die man na wie hierdie stadion vernoem is, sy kop te ruste gelĂȘ.  Die Noord-Transvaalse Rugby Unie het die graf van hierdie baanbreker en sy naastes wat saam met hom in die begrafplaas van Pretoria-Wes begrawe is, herstel.  Dit het nou die mooi aansig wat in die meegaande foto waargeneem kan word.  Tydens die onthulling van die nuwe graf en die voetsteen op hede deur Hentie Serfontein het hy hulde gebring aan Loftus Versfeld en sy familie, wat nie net vir rugby in Pretoria en Noord-Transvaal baie gedoen het nie, maar ook op Nasionale gebied ‘n bydrae gelewer het.

Thursday, January 20, 2011